jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is a challenge for the student intellectually. It combines various levels of learning processes.  This method was created in the USA, where the traditional school was destroying the natural joy of learning and there was not the possibility to interact with others, something that children will do in a future for sure. Cooperative learning can be used at all levels of the learning process.
Children work together and they become to know each other very well so it benefits the communication. It is proved that working in this way reduces the insecurity and prejudices of the students. Working in groups also means a higher level of activity so it reduces and prevents boredom.

Learning through interaction

To ensure better results it is important that cooperative learning takes place within small groups of four. It favors the communication face to face and students can work in pairs within the group.

The importance of the structure
The aim of the teacher is to choose suitable structures in relation to objectives and content. Within the structure the teacher can organize interaction between individuals. Different structures mean different ways of behavior such as active and passive behavior. Structures control our social behavior and favors competitive situations, because certain groups have to win and others have to lose.

The 4 basic principles in the structures

1.  Simultaneous interaction: a good example could be pair work. This structure can increase the student´s speaking time tenfold.
2.  Equal participation: everyone can contribute equally to the group. No one is missing out.
3. Positive interdependence: The students in a team need each other´s output to solve the problem. It ensures that everyone shares his knowledge to the rest of the group and they have to make sure that everything is understood.
4. Individual accountability:  The structure gives each student an important role. Every student likes to feel that he has something important to give to the group.

The structures have to clarify the role of each student within the group. They make each student indispensable. Every contribution of the students is relevant and this is very important for their motivation.

Cooperative learning in foreign language teaching

This kind of learning contribute effectively to obtain better learning results in foreign language teaching. Its very important that the students have the opportunity to communicate in class because the ultimate step of their learning has to be to gain communicative competence. All aspects of communicative competence are involved when one works via cooperative learning.

Cooperative learning is a democratic form of teaching. Both the individual and the group are extremely important. Every student is required to adopt an attitude and explain his point of view and students learn to listen and to respect each other

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